jueves, 22 de marzo de 2018


Resultado de imagen para intensamente gif
Write below, what did you think about the movie?
How can you relate this with your life?
Don´t forget write your name in each commentary you do!

21 comentarios:

  1. María Iraima Suárez Ríos

    1.- Is a creative and a funny form to express what happend inside us, to express our personality, our feelings, even our memories.

    2.- I relate this with my life, because this movie have a good form to express the way I am. I can assure that is a good metaphor to explain to the others easily how is my mood, how i feel, etc.

  2. Nayeli Gonzalez Mancilla
    1. This movie is very funny and I think that Is good that the use some characters to express how we create our personality trough the years and the events we are living and all the situations make us to create our character
    2. I think that I can relate whit my personality because all things that I live in the pass create my actually character and personality and the things that I going to live are going to change my character or personality

  3. With this movie I learned that every emotion is important in our life, even the sadness , also is impossible to be happy all our life, we will have some bad days, but the key is know how to react in this cases.
    I can aply this in my life, working in my emotional inteligence, find the rigth way to express my emotions and be able to change that this that are hurting me, but always been an assertive person.

    Mariana Rodríguez

  4. This film in my opinion is very interesting and explains our mind and changes that all our emotions, feelings and even the way of seeing things in a very fun and dynamic way.
    I think the main point of the film is to inform us about everything that probably has already happened or will happen to us at some point, such as adolescence, and everything that may possibly affect us during this, such as In the case of the main character, it was very bad for her to completely change her environment, which was her home, school, friends and city. With this she felt very sad and alone when she saw that everything had changed, and with this all her emotions were disturbed and there was an unbalance in her head.

    Paola Areli Salazar Coronado

  5. I think that the movie is really goos because shows you the importance of the emotions and memories in your life because is what defines you and I think that the movie shows you that is okey show your feelings and I think that making the different islands was my favorite part because is really creative.
    I related this with my life when I need to resolve different problems and control my emotions.

    Ana Paula Salas

  6. I think that the movie was an interesting and simple way to show us how do emotions work inside us, I in real life the emotions doesn’t work like that, in real life you can control yours. Also I think that the islands express the way we keep the things that we appreciate in life, for example the girl have a lot of islands because I think she enjoy she’s life.
    In my life I think that we all have emotions and they aren’t like in the movie, I think that like humans we need to learn us and learn how to control any kind of emotion, I don’t mean that we always need to have the control but for example in the movie when sadness take the control, the girl can be happy again and I don’t think that that’s correct in real life, I also think that the islands are very important because they are made of things that we love and enjoy spend time doing, for example a person that is angry all time and doesn’t enjoy nothing, can’t hace islands because their are made of things that we like so I think that having islands is the way that we can know us and if you have islands it’s an indication that you are enjoying life.

    Ximena Seany Esparza Castillo.

  7. Diana Paola Ramos de la Torre

    1)I think that the movie has an interesting point of view, show us a way to understand things that are a little bit complicaded, every person deal with situations through their own point of view and the fact that Disney would try to make the childrens undestand this is pretty awesome.

    2)Well, in my opinion, emotions make us do the things in the way that we do them. I can totally relate this with my life, the movie explain the moments that everyone goes through, like even if you are an adult you can relate with Riley. The way that she acts, is not the right but she grows and learn that she has to afront counsequences. So i relate this because i am a teenager, i´m having weird reactions and i feel like i don´t do the things right, that´s why, knowing that most teenagers suffer this makes me feel quit better.

  8. 1). I think it`s a good movie because it shows us how complicated it`s to control our emotions, although in the movie it shows us in a fanciful way, I think it`s a very complex process to express your emotions without involving others or that excel some, since they involve having an inner peace and knowledge of yourself.
    2). I relate it to the process that the protagonist of the story has as she grows and knows everything that surrounds her and realizes that there are more important things than others and despite the bad times the best will always be those things that have no material value, but sentimental.
    Natalia Cardenas Gonzalez

  9. Fernando Rafael Martínez Franco

    1-. it is a good that could have a really great critic because shows in psychology point ways to help us to understand how our mind functions in a different way that in that used to be.

    2-. The relation that i can find is that you can maybe identify with a character, because that emotion is the one that you think is on you, even you know that all the emotions are part of our lifes even in ourselves.

  10. Karla Paola Parra Juárez
    1.- I found it very interesting because of the way in which each feeling was expressed and the memories of the girl, also the idea of the islands is very complex since that is what makes each person different.
    2.-I relate it in my life because sometimes when I remember some things I get sad or happy and sometimes our emotions can be "lost" but in spite of that we have to find a way to move on.

  11. Dalay Azenete Rodriguez Padierna

    1. I've always liked this movie a lot, and it's because I like how Disney managed to make us see how our brain works, how our emotions work, the impact that memories have on a person, I find it simply fascinating, and I think that the part that I like the islands of personality, I think it's a good way to respond to many of our behaviors.

    2. I can relate this movie to my life, because I think we all have memories that mark us forever, as well as Riley, I have many good and bad moments that will always be part of me, and that we will always show through our emotions in a way

  12. 1.-I believe that the movie teaches us in a funny way how is the way in wich our thoughts and actions are formed. It shows us the importance that our actions have in our lives, since these can have consequences or benefits. I loved how in the movie each one of the emotions was represented. finally i can say that the movie is very good and i liked it a lot.

    2.-I related the movie with my life, because we will always have good and bad moments, so our emotions will always vary, but in any case these good and bad moments will hell our character to be formed.

  13. Diego García Hernández

    1) It is a movie that will leave indelible mark on the public, and this is because people will be projected and will reflect on the way in which mental processes take place. And apart from the reflection that leaves you, notably the great imagination which presents in his drawings, characters or scenarios. In conclusion: I liked.

    2) I relate this to my life because the film gives me an invitation to the rediscovery personal, reminding me that I am a complex being built from memories, and some of those memories, as well as shown in the film, can be good or bad.

  14. Isaac Elias Sanchez Lopez

    1)I think that in this movie it shows us and teaches a lot of good things about our childhood, well, like Riley´s childhood. I had never seen this movie, and i think it´s a good way to show averyone the meaning of Selfknowledge in general.

    2) I relate this movie with my life when i am growing, this emotions are changing when adolscence begins.

  15. María Fernanda Guerrero Pérez

    1.- It's a very good movie I think, because shows the importance of live and accept all the emotions we have and see the importance that have each one in forming our personality

    2.- I relate this movie with my life with the fact that all our memories and thoughts have an influence on the way we behave
